imc asia blog


We we landed in Seoul yesterday to a humid and overcast afternoon. We started off pretty rocky as our shuttle took us to the wrong ramada in the city. After hitting up two hotels that were on other sides for the city we regrouped in the search for food.


Walking around aimlessly we stumbled into a Korean BBQ place. Issue was they spoke no English. Still on our high after landing we tried to order off pictures and pointing but we knew nothing that we were trying to order and gave up. Valiant effort. 

Eventually we found a spot to get some traditional Korean food: bulgogi, bibbimbop, and noodles.

On the way back we ran into this local landmark. I have no idea what it is but it looks pretty cool.  Rest of the night was just beers in the hotel room and trying to get back into normal sleeping patterns. Night one complete. Here we go!




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